Sunday, 27 November 2011

James Cook University vs National University of Singapore

JCU?James Cook University? dimana itu.. errr...
beberapa orang ada yang ndak tau sebenernya kampus apa ini.. >.<

James Cook University atau disingkat JCU adalah private campus di singapura yang merupakan cabang dari JCU Australia.

Mungkin emang ga bisa dibandingin kali dengan kemegahan, kemasyuran, dan ke- ke- yang lain dari NUS kampus nomer 1  yang secara SENGAJA kutolak dengan hormat wkwkwkwk..

this is my story ..

aku ini salah satu orang bodoh ,IP rendahan yang ditolak NTU pertama kali aku daftar.. alasan utama sih karena banyak pesaing yang mau masuk jurusanku(Information System), dan dimana inggrisku juga pas-pas'n.
tapi menurut leadership,leadership yang kupelajari, jangan mudah menyerah, tetap semangat, dan beberapa bab seven habits dan John C Maxwell.. akhirnya aku beraniin diri lagi buat daftar ke kampus yang lebih besar, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE..yapzz.. karena sesuai buku Stephen R Covey juga, aku ga mau jatuh kelubang yang sama, akhirnya aku siapin plan B buat daftar James Cook University juga...

berikut beberapa pemikiranku untuk masuk ke kedua Universities ini :

-aku daftar Industrial and System Engineering
alasannya sih, aku pingin punya perusahaan dimana aku bisa kontrol system, optimalisasi,dll-nya, sometimes aku ga seneng kerja IT yang cuman bagian support orang. tapi mungkin juga masuk Industri karena ga ada jurusan laen yang aku senengin juga ^^ .

-my second choices, dan i hope NUS nerima aku.. di JCU ini aku daftar M.IT+M.BA, ya mungkin ini nilai tambah kalo aku ngampus di JCU, keluar2 dapet dua gelar. hehehe...dan kata orang JCU is number one private uni di singapore, atau ya 11 12 ama curtin kali ya.. oh ya.. dan berarti aku harus tetep kerja di dunia per IT-an ..

Dan hari berganti hari.. pertengahan november, AKU DITERIMA NUS.. hehhe.. dan surat penerimaanpun sampai ke rumah.. dibuka dan... ada 1 surat, Conditional Letter yang mengatakan, penerimaanmu akan otomatis dibatalkan bila tidak memberikan hasil IELTS = 6.0 sebelum tgl 1 Des...

ya jelas dengan SENGAJA/SEPENGETAHUANKU KUTOLAK  mentah-mentah tawaran NUS ini..
"gila, lu kira lu sapa ger???"
yapz, aku emang dari awal waktu daftar kasih IELTS under their requirements, dan berharap "dari kata2 orang" diterima,meski IELTS kurang >.< .

Akhir dari Saga ini, aku lanjutin kuliah S-2ku di JCU...aku percaya *mulai berbicara leadership dan ilmu ilmu positif* yang di Atas sudah mengatur kuliahku.. even ndak lebih baik dari NUS, tapi aku mau berusaha yang PALING baik, dan menjadi berkat buat temen2ku ^^

Saturday, 5 November 2011

First Time Experience Hanging Out with Friends from Different Countries

Today, 5 November 2011

I want to share about something, that very interesting for me, and i wish my writing skill is not bad at all.

yesterday, after finishing my english class, my friends and me went to dinner and playing pools. firstly, i introduce my friends to you :
Lucy : vietnamese girl, older than me. she sits beside me in class, and smart girl.
kelvin : vietnamese boy, also older than me. smoking guy, smart also good at playing pools.
meriana : same country with me, but from pontianak, the youngest person in my class, also good at english.
elvis : chinesse person, 19 y'o. he likes if han sol calls him "o ba" (south korea language, it's mean brother that older than she)
hansol : south korea nonna.. when meet her, i just think about Secret Garden ( Korean Drama Movie that i've watched it lately)
Bonnie : nu-ren (chinesse woman), her's style likes korean people hahah..
chen hua : chinesse 21 y'o, man. fat but nice person..

afterthat we went to bugis first to eat.. We ate steam bot/shabu shabu.. it was very interesting for me. Why? i 've never eaten with other people that from different country, different culture.. and... Talking with them with english language, very hard. maybe if just said about about inviting to go out, ask some question, or simple and daily conversation ,it is not really difficult, but when we speak about food, the flavour, how to cook them, aaa.. very hard for me.. my vocabulary isn't enough. and when i want to talk, i must open my cellphone to get the right vocab. >.< . very very interesting, priceless time for me.

hmm.. another difficult one is Going to play pools.. can you imagine, how to teach someone in english language?? aaa again.. very hard.. put it into the hole, hold the stick, move your finger,hahahah.. aiaiaia.. but it's more fantastic than what i think..

ok, this is my story about going with my multinational friends, i just want to say..
when we are living in another country, far from our family, our girlfriend, our closed-friends, it's very hard. But you don't need to think about it, just set aside. think about your aim, why you was here, why did you go there..
furthermore..after you live in here.. don't just at home, watching movie, chatting with relation.. But making relationship with another person that you don't know before, another country indeed, it's more fun, get some experience with them, if some friends ask you to join their activity, for sure, join it. Because it will give you more experience that cannot pay buy money, it's priceless friends..